Voice Analytics

Smart call center auditing via Generative AI.

Project outline

This project was developed for a hackathon that was run by lablab.ai

The idea of this project was to develop an enterprise solution for auditing call center activities. When calling customer support, we often hear the phrase "this call is being recorded for quality assurance," indicating that either someone manually reviews the calls (some 3rd-party companies provide this service), or there is valuable big data that remains untapped and could provide valuable insights.

The technology used:

  • Whisper AI: Transcribes audio into text.
  • GPT-3.5: Summarizes transcribed calls, providing concise summaries, insights, and call categorization.
  • Gradio: User interface.

Code can be found on Hugging Face. However, demo doesnt work anymore becuase API key expired.

Pitch Video