LeMAC Project
AI Agents taught using RL in Unity
Project outline
Lem (the camel) was taught using two methods, Ray Perseption (similar to LiDAR), and Vision (using cameras as input).
This project involved working with the Unity game engine, specifically the ML-Agents package. The main focus of this project was to acquire some experience in the Unity game engine and to develop an engaging application of Reinforcement Learning.
Ray Perseption
Since the maximum award the agent can get is 1. When the Mean Reward reached 0.96 it is expected that the agent has fully learnt the task.
A few things have been changed here. The sphere light that indicated how training progress is going has been removed. This change was made because the light could potentially introduce nuances that distract the agent from learning, as it represented irrelevant features. Another adjustment has been made to the platform’s color to enhance distinguishability.
The input provided to the agent is from a camera with dimensions of 64x64.
Only 4 training environments were utilized, as processing images and utilizing vision is more computationally expensive.
Future work
The objective is to enable agents to perform more complex tasks.
One idea is to simulate a real-world environment (such as a physical room) and have agents accomplish tasks within it. Subsequently, the knowledge gained could be transferred to an IoT setup or a robot for task execution.